Issues - Politics of Manhood
Emanuel McLittle
October 19, 2003
Not only have we Americans lost the powerful influence of
real men, we also have universally accepted the counterfeit.
Ray Romano, star of the award-winning CBS comedy sitcom Everybody
Loves Raymond, is the quintessential man of modern America.
This is manhood, as represented by the social engineers, to
all of America's children.
Politicians have helped Hollywood and educators craft a new
American man who, more often than not, is weak, dominated
by his wife and without a sure footing in reality. He has
a sit-down job and his voice is semi-effeminate, conveying
no authority. Romano's tennis-shoe-wearing character is happy
to live in a dysfunctional family where parents hate each
other and principles are for suckers. He defines love as sex
and is notorious for his need to consult with others regarding
the major questions of life. He is rewarded for being insecure
and needs assurance from everyone around him, giving the impression
that his weakness and lack of self-assurance are virtues.
He is sensitive and proud of his ability to cry on cue, eliciting
public sympathy. This is the shape of men to come.
Intuition is out and consensus is in. To make matters worse,
we have capitulated to the normalcy of homosexuality, making
the idea of our creation by a Superior Male Being, who fitted
woman for man, obsolete. The acceptance by most of the American
public of the deep-throat kiss of Madonna and Britney Spears
on MTV, a few months back, paved the way for a similar but
worse assault on manhood, with the open-mouthed kiss of two
men on stage at the annual, televised Academy Awards shindig,
just last month. The new politics of manhood is the real reason
for the thousands of missing children, the running blood from
thousands of murders every year, the screeching cry morphing
into rage coming from all too many children, 50 percent of
whom live in homes where no man is present. The deceitful
validation of our obtuse society is common to both major political
parties, where there is a complete blackout of the reality
that something is terribly wrong.
War is used to pump up a crumbling national spirit orchestrated
by phony conservatives with the depth of a pothole puddle.
Their fatal hope is that no one is watching; that there exists
no reality beyond that which they create; that we are all
blind to hyped daily news that leaves out too much truth.
The fact that Someone is watching, who will never be swayed
by their polls is just the beginning of their worst fears.
Could it be that the suicide of dozens of American soldiers,
real men, in Iraq shouts a message no one wants to hear?
Like slow-moving leeches cut off from the sunlight, the positive
influence of real men is fast disappearing from the American
scene. Notwithstanding the gallant service that firemen and
police officers provided during the horrific tragedy of 9/11,
plus the wars that followed, the poisoning of manhood goes
unabated. There is no shortage of evidence that the absence
of fathers has left mothers, sons and daughters with a type
of emotional anemia. No-fault divorce in nearly every state
has made it easier to take his money while baring men from
the house and children. Where is the wisdom in awarding, in
87 percent of the cases, male children to mothers when it
is male models boys need for mental and physical development?
And why are psychologists and psychiatrists silent, who know
the reason men comprise 90 percent of the two million prisoners
in America? In the most educated nation in the world there
are few studies that document why the mysterious influence
of fathers' presence or the lack of it, provides the psychological
constitution from which the personality of the child (and
our world) is formed.
A 1988 study, reported in the Journal of the American Academy
of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, found that youngsters
who attempted suicide differed little in terms of age, income,
race or religion. However, researchers found, they were "more
likely to come from homes where there was no dad." Another
study conducted by Dr. Alfred A. Meager, who wrote Father
Hunger, found that emotionally afflicted boys ages 1 to 2
often experience sleep disturbances, nightmares and night
terror, disorders that begin within one month after the father
leaves home.
Our daughters are living in a state of unconscious rage at
the lack of available, strong, principled and good men. In
a premature hunt for love, they are sexualized too soon: the
means by which the next confused generation is born. Restoring
real manhood is the only way out and the reason young people's
total reject of politics, as dramatized by the lying struggle
between liberal and conservative. The perpetual debate between
liberals and conservatives has already proved a dismal failure,
empty of real answers. There is something more, much more
to our current national dilemma and we all know it. We must
reconcile men - first, to their Creator and then to their
wives and their children. Lastly, we must reconcile the influence
of genuine manhood to government.
There will be nothing harder than the job of restoring genuine
manhood. Too many of us have no idea what it means to be real,
honest men. Being a man is not something that comes with pants
or stick shifts. It is often gleaned from the examples of
other real men, preferably our fathers. The sad truth is that
the deficit we suffer today is due to the number of "missing"
fathers, either physically, psychologically, politically and
spiritually, who were persuaded to abdicate their roles. Children
no longer recognize today's latte-drinking, spiked-hair dads,
whose eyes affix to the TV every time silicone breasts fill
the screen. No one seems to care that children are watching
this mayhem, which sends the message that no one is in charge,
anywhere. The larger community and the governments we wrongly
elect are digging holes, pretending to rescue a world already
buried. Where is the sense in that? Angry children more often
than not join the political left in the incessant demand (for
parenting) from government, producing the next set of policies
that must be fixed by new, shinny-teeth politicians, with
new promises.
We must prevent the current rupture of manhood from destroying
our sons daughters. To begin with men must marry, live with
and remain devoted to one woman his entire life. After seeking
and finding his destiny, (not the same as a career) no goal
should surpass the well-being of the children, living in a
home with their biological mother and father. Marriage must
never be debased to include homosexual couples. Imagine telling
children that men, whose job it is to lead and protect our
nation, participate in sexual activities involving a cavity
used to eliminate fecal matter from the body. Imagine that
other respectable men sell their word and bond to convince
children this is what God intended for manhood. Such lies
are the bottom layer of insanity for the next generation of
men. The truth, about everything, is a must beginning in restoring
genuine manhood. Anything else is the most sinister form of
child abuse to boys and girls
There are many things in our favor. Each of us is born with
a kind of homing device of sorts. It is a self-correcting
mechanism. Intuition, if used, will telescope impediments
to growth, so that change is easier. Our goal must be to rid
ourselves of the selfishness that takes what we want rather
than "do" what is right. No more of this clever
denial that loves to argue, "Who determines what is right?"
You already know the answer to that one. Everyone alive knows
what is right. The more honest question is, "who is willing
to tell the truth about what is right." To ask is merely
another face of an old game that attempts to deny responsibility
for the horrendous hurt to society, beginning with your family.
Even children know what is right. And so do every one of our
In our day of extended life spans, we should never elect a
president younger than 65 years of age. Everything tells us
this is the beginning of the years of wisdom. The media, which
taught us to laugh at the elderly, as was the case with Ronald
Reagan, was but a clever means of escaping the demands of
wisdom, in favor of what we have today volatile, global politics
convenience. Convenient, poll-politics is where we do whatever
we want and pass laws to justify it. Wisdom would not pass
another law to protect marriage, like the one being crafted
by lawmakers, without an honest, national discussion about
who and why marriage needs special protection. The same politicians
who put marriage in peril now want you to think highly of
them for flitting with the constitution to protect marriage.
This is like certifying oxygen! How hypocritical. We must
throw out these counterfeit conservatives and elect genuine
conservatives who have more substance than to live for no
higher purpose than to out wit liberals. This is politically
pathological, rippling to every other American institution,
especially families.
Everything, from the Hubble telescope roaming an endless cosmos
to the discovery of perfectly engineered DNA, tells us that
we were made with an unmistakable genius. A lack of direct
contact with the Maker can be seen everywhere, but nowhere
is it more evident than government first the relationship
between men, women and children, a close second. We've thrown
away all our fig leaves and don't even pretend to cover our
spiritual nakedness as we stumble in drunkenness from so much
knowledge that psychiatrists have become busy treating people
who suffer from information overload and an epidemic of attention
deficit disorder. No sane man can ignore the overwhelming
evidence that intelligence made everything. To believe deceitful
experts instead of what is obvious to any man's own senses
is the first stumble down a rat hole with no bottom.
Men have allowed high-speed connections to replaced wisdom.
Sex masquerades as love. All our getting has blocked the way
to reason, while most people delude themselves into believing
that their relentless anxiety can be handled by the newest
painkiller. Designer politicians and judges are like the Osborne
family with no sense of up or down. The light of our once
bright destiny is dulling with increasing acceleration. Enemies
have penetrated the gate and now live among us. The vile affections
spoken of long ago are normalized, while decency is challenged
as rightwing and intolerant. Still, all is not lost.
The road back will be slow, laborious and painful. Foreign
and domestic pushers will do everything they can to offer
us a variety of political, social and entertainment sedatives.
But if we don't flinch, they will. The wonderful thing about
life is that no matter the breach, healing comes to whoever
is willing to reverse course. The first step is to take a
good look in the mirror and ask yourself, am I the man I should
be? If you can answer truthfully you are on your way. A light
will come on and nothing will ever be the same where you live.
Stay the course.
© 2003 Emanuel McLittle - All Rights Reserved
Emanuel McLittle has a Masters Degree and two
decades of experience in Counseling Psychology. His keen insight,
developed over 24 years, makes him qualified to deliver honest,
unambiguous guidance.
2 - Stats from 60 years of Feminist lead Bureaucratic Parenting
From: Maxim Institute [maxim@maxim.org.nz]
Sent: Thursday, October 23, 2003 2:04 PM
Subject: Maxim Institute - real issues - No. 86
Maxim Institute
real issues.
this week: No. Eighty-Six 23 OCTOBER 2003
Real Issues looks at some facts
Due to a staff event, we take a different approach with Real
this week. The following trends and statistics in family and
education are
a motivation for Maxim to search for a better way.
* New Zealand has the developed world's highest rate of births
outside of
marriage (44%), and the third highest teenage birth rate (after
the USA
and UK).
* 27% of New Zealand children grow up in fatherless homes.
* Since 1970 the rate of marriage has decreased 66%, while
the divorce rate
has tripled.
* Our birth rate is 1.9 births per women; this is lower than
needed to
replace our current population without migration.
* New Zealand is spending at least $5.7 billion a year as
a direct
consequence of family breakdown - that's 5.5 percent of our
Gross National
Product (or $3,000 for every taxpayer).
* 110,000 people receive the Domestic Purposes Benefit which
also supports
190,000 children.
* In 1970 there were 28 full-time workers for every person
on a full-time
benefit (excluding superannuation). Today only four workers
each beneficiary.
* Australian government research has found that for every
dollar spent on a
child brought up in a two-parent family, the government spends
$10 on a
child brought up in a single-parent family.
* The largest government department is the Ministry of Social
which oversees a budget of $13 billion for welfare.
* Since 1960 central government spending per head of population
(in today's
dollar terms) has increased 660 percent on education.
* 20% of school leavers in 2002 did not have any formal qualifications.
* The 2001 International Progress in Reading Literacy Study
(PIRLS) reveals
serious weaknesses in literacy levels and ranked New Zealand
children 13th
in overall reading comprehension.
* New Zealand's PIRLS performance placed it near the bottom
of the ladder
among English-speaking countries. This trend represents a
decline from its
performance in similar studies carried out in earlier years
(1970 and 1991).
* A UNICEF league table of educational disadvantage shows
that New Zealand
has one of the poorest rankings for 'bottom end inequality'
- a measure of
the extent of the difference in achievement between children
at the bottom
and at the middle of each country's achievement range. Only
scored lower.
* 19% of New Zealand 15 year-olds (11,000 of 59,000) are performing
according to a fixed international benchmark for reading literacy.
* Only 51 percent of New Zealand Year 9 (Form 3) pupils have
teachers who have studied that subject as a component of their
* Of the 1999 teaching graduates, 34 percent had left the
profession within
two years.
* In 2002, there were 395 'stand-downs' (suspensions) as a
result of
assaults on staff. This is up from 344 in 2001 and 361 in