Courts - Australia - Anti-father bias
With Special Guest Sue Price Co-founder Men's
Rights Agency More than 14,000 men have suicided since John
Howard came to office.
Father's groups attribute at least half of these
deaths to the brutal istreatment of fathers and their children
at the hands of our family law and child support systems.
The government has acknowledged there is no documentary evidence
to contradict this claim.
Sue Price is one of the most courageous figures
in the family law reform movement in Australia today, consistently
speaking up on behalf of fathers, families and their children.
The bigotted and farcical nature of the travesty
that passes for family law in this country and the bureaucracy
that protects it was illustrated by the Family Law Pathways
Group, which did not have a single fathers group represented
on it. Yet instead of instituting a fullscale public inquiry
or Royal Commission into the chaos of family law, the government
is now using this fundamentally flawed report to justify yet
further ridiculous amendments to the Family Law Act. Everything
the government has done, from the introduction of the failed
Federal Magistrates Service to the superannuation legislation,
has done nothing but harm to fathers and their children. The
government continues to ignore community concerns, and this
destructive system just gets worse.
As Sue Price says, when the Family Law Pathways
Group was first announced many eagerly hoped the government
was finally listening. Instead, the membership of the panel
was stacked with women's groups and beneficiaries of the system.
Forum members seemed to overly focus on the
domestic violence issue, perpetuating the victim status of
women. Since the 1980s the domestic violence industry has
expanded at a remarkable rate, due in part to the bodgy statistics
produced as a result of self-advocacy research projects. Unfortunately,
people are being encouraged to complain about the most minor
of slights and even encouraged into making false allegations.
Many DV applications are made purely to gain the upperhand
in forthcoming Family Court hearings.
The domestic violence industry that promotes
"women as victims of male patriarchy" is playing
a significant role in separating families, Price says. Their
protocol insists on separation of the parties, immediately,
which prevents any opportunity to reconcile or even discuss
in a civilised manner an impending separation. Being falsely
accused of domestic violence as happens in many cases is unlikely
to endear the accuser to the accused. But the DV industry
has a vested interest.
More alleged victims produces more dollars.
Not that those dollars seem to be alleviating the suffering
of those who genuinely need protection from violent partners,
either male or female.
In the opinion of the Men's Rights Agency that
will always be the case whilst only one side of the problem
receives attention. Men as victims of violence and abuse are
ignored, as are violent women. There are no anger management
services for women, for to provide these services would be
to admit women can be and are violent and that goes against
the doctrine "women are always the victim and men the
perpetrators of violence" and - "if they hit back,
it is in self-defence".
Sue Price says: "We have a system out of
control! Using false statistics to create a climate of fear,
domestic violence organisations have waged an unjustifiable
war on men in general, thereby removing thousands and thousands
of women and children from the security of their home life
to be consigned to the welfare rolls and relying on government
handouts for support. That's not independence - it is a retrograde
Price says she mentions domestic violence early
in the piece because, although it is a state legislative issue,
it is the tool that is often used to dictate the carriage
of a family law matter. An easily gained domestic violence
order against a father gives an undoubted advantage by removing
him from the home, thereby establishing sole parenting, which
usually results in a financially beneficial settlement of
the family assets.
There is serious speculation from the legal
profession that only 5 to 10 percent of applications are genuine.
Federal Government sponsored organisations perpetuate
the myth:The Federal government has involved itself in the
issue of domestic violence and perhaps a quick look at the
domestic violence section of the National Crime Prevention
website illustrates the "blinkered" attitude that
prevails in any discussion on domestic violence. The reading
literature on this site is confined to reports about women
as victims and men as perpetrators. There is not one study
showing that perpetrators of domestic violence are found equally
amongst men and women - yet there are more than one hundred
international studies to prove this is so.
For most people it is a frightening thought,
for men in particular, to realise that mothers, who are viewed
by society as the "gentle hand that rocks the cradle"
could in fact be the perpetrator of dreadful harm to their
children and their husbands/partners.
Melanie Phillips, a noted UK social commentator
said, "Men are terrified of being thought prejudiced
against women, not least because of an old-fashioned sense
of chivalry. They look at the absence of women among captains
of industry or Members of Parliament; they look at the football
hooligan and the burglar from hell and they think it must
be true that women are their victims. But life's a lot more
complicated; and the result of such brow-beating into false
stereotypes is that everyone ultimately becomes a loser".
Are researchers failing to maintain their independence?
Research in this country seems to have been heavily influenced
by academics, who are at the forefront of an anti-male, anti-father
network that seeks to deconstruct and reconstruct men as if
being a man is a pathology. As a result of this research we
are seeing the emergence of programmes that have little empathy
with maleness and masculinity and even less for the traditional
Well-known critic of statistical misinformation,
John Coochey unearthed some interesting rules governing feminist
research. He illustrated the implications in the following
extract his paper Myths and Realities or All the Facts that
Fit we Print.
Price says Feminist research methodology suggests:
• The distinction between subjective and objective research
is rejected. All research occurs in a social context and reflects
the researchers way of seeing the world. • The production
of emancipatory knowledge and empowerment of those who are
being researched is a central focus. • The research
process should contribute positively to consciousness raising
and transformative social action"
With such methodology, it is not surprising
that stupidity occurs. But how on earth does it get included
in Government policy? she asks.
Research becomes valueless when it sets out
to support a predetermined conclusion that is formed as a
result of obvious bias. Figures can, after all, be manipulated
to provide a multitude of answers - it depends on the questions
More anti-father propaganda in the name of research?
The rise of fathers' rights groups in Australia has caused
some concern among feminist academics, prompting the production
of two reports.
Miranda Kaye and Julia Tolmie with the 'help'
of Professor Regina Greycar, at the University of Sydney,
based their work on interviews with various personnel from
men's groups and by searching through submissions made to
government inquiries.
Price says the standards normally expected from
university faculty members appear to have been forgotten in
the report's attempts to grasp at straws to belittle men's
When legal academics, who are engaged in funded
research resort to using newspaper articles as the basis for
their commentary, and ignore evidence to negate the information,
one might question if they are engaged in quasi-journalism
or credible research. Journalists, at least, have a professional
standard that requires the subject to be given the right of
response prior to publication.
Censorship applies to 'men's issues':
Loyalty to an extreme pro-feminist doctrine is creating a
barrier between men and women that is present not only in
the domestic violence industry, but sadly, in our universities
too. On July 18 2000, the Guild Council at the University
of NSW, banned their magazine, Tharunka from producing an
upcoming "men's issue" that would have dealt with
the 'men in present society, including health, suicides rates,
imprisonment and men's attitudes to feminism'. The Guild Council
said it "condemns any proposal to produce a men's edition
or 'white heterosexual male' edition of Tharunka. At the same
time, the Council passed a motion approving the publication
of a Women's Edition of Tharunka!
Educational staff often find themselves silenced
and those who fail to abide by the restrictions will lose
their tenure or their working life will be made so unpleasant
they are forced to resign. The latest in line is Jeffery Asher.
Albeit a Canadian, his situation has probably been mirrored
here in Australia many times, especially in our primary schools
where men have been discouraged from becoming teachers by
the threat of false child abuse or sexual harassment allegations.
Asher, a professor at Montreal's Dawson College,
found his "men's studies" and "feminist propaganda"
course cancelled after a four person committee accused him
of belittling and marginalising women. Asher, who was judged
outstanding by 85% of his predominantly female class equipped
his students with the skills to analyse the information put
before them, instead of blithely accepting everything that
is said as fact. For telling the truth about the falsity of
domestic violence statistics and the equity pay dispute amongst
many other issues, he was reassigned to teach courses in critical
thinking, science and technology and business ethics.
Accusing the "politically incorrect"
Oppressive regimes have always used tactics of expulsion and
alienation to quash unwanted criticism. Unfortunately, here
in Australia, most attempts to put forward another point of
view have been quickly silenced by accusations of sexism,
racism and any other 'ism' or 'phobia' that comes to mind
as a result of an undue adherence to political correctness.
Few people seem to notice any longer that when
derogatory statements about traditional social and moral standards
are made and reinforced through mentioning the "extremist
right wing," that such views are themselves an attack
on the sanctity of established moral traditions, that in fact
such views are expressions from the
outermost end of the radical extremist left wing.
Anti-male, anti-father and anti-family bias
has crept into the debate about families and family law. It
is contaminating research studies and government attempts
to change the policies dealing with these issues are stifled.
This bias resulting from the pro feminist agenda is perhaps
responsible, more than any other reason, for the mess we find
ourselves in today - record divorce rates; dysfunctional families;
children abused and neglected; children failing at school,
particularly boys; and record suicide levels, particularly
One might ask the question - has the government
now adopted social policies that accept high levels of divorce
because they believe this is good for our nation? Have they
lost the will to make the changes needed to restore confidence
in family life, or is it a phenomenon they can do nothing
about? I would suggest the government should seriously consider
adopting policies that aim to restore some stability and expectation
for future security. When one marries it should not be intended
as a short term measure until something better comes along.
There is a growing movement of both men and women who have
woken up to the anti family, anti-male agenda that is pervading
all facets of our life. The time will come when enough of
us will say enough.
There is ample research to show the harmful
effects of separation/divorce on children. Every effort should
be made prior to separation to encourage couples to stay together.
Counsellors admit "they got it wrong":
Counsellors and psychologists in the USA have recently acknowledged
that for the past thirty years, they have been incorrectly
advising couples to separate if they argue. This advice was
based on a mistaken premise that arguing couples could not
live together and should therefore divorce. But no-one thought
to ask couples who stay together, if they argued!
People need to be able to learn how to give
and take criticism, for it is only in this environment that
consensus can be reached and people can feel they have been
heard. If concensus cannot be reached, as it may not be in
all instances, then many long-standing marriages have survived
by resorting to the old maxim "we'll agree to disagree".
We are obviously not suggesting that all couples
should stay together no matter what, but there must be some
checks and balances to try to slow down the increasing divorce
rate. A positive counselling course of this nature should
be a requirement before separation and could be encouraged
prior to issuing sole parent pensions.
Sue Price says the Men's Rights Agency Our has
considerable success in reuniting couples by providing them
with all the facts - realistic financial information that
may vary from the unrealistic expectations created by other
groups. The difficulties for the children of divorce, the
costs of running two households and the diminished value of
joint assets when split between two can become persuasive
reasons for both parents to try again to restore the love
and affection they obviously felt for each other in the past.
Often couples are more willing to try again
when counsellors are prepared to guide them towards that goal
by exploring the more positive aspects of their relationship
prior to what may have been just a minor 'hiccup'. Instead
much of the counselling on offer seems to escalate a minor
incident/disagreement into enormous proportions with the only
solution on offer -separation/divorce.
Women's Rights and Men's Suicide:
Most men and women acknowledge the justification for equal
rights for all people and considerable effort has been made
to support the concept. However, we are seeing a movement
that has gone far beyond the concept of equal rights and is
now creating a gender war between men and women.
Over-concentration on rights for women has caused
its own imbalance. A growing number of women have no concept
that along with their rights they have responsibilities and
if their rights are going to be exerted it will have an effect
on others rights. Few seem to understand that for every right
that is created, someone or something else is in some way
restricted. In some cases of family breakdown the restriction
can be so severe as to remove the motivation for life itself.
Witness the suicide rate among fathers of divorce.
2028 adult men aged 20 years and over committed
suicide in 1998. Professor Pierre Baume estimates 70 percent
of these are due to relationship breakdown. That is 27 per
week. A national disgrace! We first attempted to raise this
issue at the Men's Forum in Canberra 1998, but it has taken
the suicide of a federal politician Greg Wilton before any
response was noted. Then it became the subject of 'depressive
illness', not a depressed reaction to an entirely curable
set of circumstances that could be alleviated, if a father's
role in his children's lives was acknowledged and facilitated
as soon as separation takes place.
When you take away children from their fathers
or severely restrict their contact, you take away a father's
reason for living!
We are sure the sequel for mothers would be
just the same if they lost their children at the same rate
as men lose their children, as a result of Family Court decisions.
Men could be forgiven for thinking they are
being punished for some reason, when they find they can only
see their children for minimal times, as specified by the
court and the majority of the lifetime accumulation of assets
is given to their ex partner. The final insult is to garnishee
the paying parent's income, usually the father's, as if they
are not to be trusted to support their children.
No-fault divorce has mostly benefited women
and our statistics show that if fault were still taken into
account women would qualify as being in the majority. We could
live with "no-fault" family law legislation providing
automatic blame is not assigned to the father, as appears
to be the case now.
We cannot close this commentary without bringing
to your attention concerns we have about sole custody, mediation,
the principle of the "best interests of the child",
Section 121 of the Family Law Act, and the unfair practice
of restricting DNA testing to a small group of court approved
pathology companies.
Shared Parenting:
Sue Price says: "MRA is particularly concerned for the
well being of our children and we spend much of our time encouraging
fathers to stay in their children's lives. To this end we
would strongly urge the adoption of shared parenting, for
by doing so, children will be able to maintain a meaningful
relationship with both parents.
"There are many examples of week and week
about, split week, or other arrangements that result in children
being able to spend close to 50 percent of the time with each
parent. It is an ideal way in the unfortunate world of divorce/separated
parents to ensure children gain from both parents being involved
in their upbringing. Shared parenting also limits the opportunities
for friction between parents - they only see each other on
change over once week, instead of twice a weekend and sometimes
twice during the week.
"If the expectation of financial gain for
the parent who keeps the children is removed, and an expectation
that both parents will continue to fully participate in their
children's future becomes the standard norm, then much of
the acrimony that is present today will vanish. The relationship
between the two parents and the children can be fully developed
and the children can look forward to a hopeful future, albeit
in separated circumstances."
Sanford Braver, ends his book, Divorced Dads:
Shattering the Myths with the words:
"…a future in which fathering is
as valid as mothering; a future in which fathers are empowered
by the courts, mothers and society to remain positive forces
in their children's lives; a future in which mothers and fathers,
though no longer connected through marriage, remain equally
committed to working together for the good of their children
- the only constituency that ultimately matters."
Section 121 removal:
Federal MP Roger Price recently tried to gain his party's
approval to remove the Section 121 restrictions that prevent
identification of the parties in Family Law cases. He failed
in his initiative, but his attempt prompted a number of polls
among the general public.
An overwhelming 93 per cent in a Sydney Daily
Telegraph poll voted to abolish section 121. This figure is
an indictment of the suspicion surrounding the operations
of the Family Court. A court of justice needs to be open and
accountable. The Family Court of Australia is neither.
A good example of the Family Court secretiveness
occurred at the beginning of April 1999. The Chief Justice
Alastair Nicholson made good use of the media to announce
a reform plan for the Family Court. An article in The Australian
newspaper said the plan would reflect the "firsthand
feedback" from meetings between court personnel, 100
litigants, family lawyers and welfare groups.38
According to Justice Nicholson the criticism
that emerged from the focus groups was different from the
"second-hand" feedback of men's groups and the media.
The article confirmed that costs, delay and anti-male bias
had not figured as primary concerns and that men's groups
had not been invited into the consultation process. It also
said litigants had been security-vetted and that process may
well have excluded any who felt considerable discontent with
the Family Court processes.
In an effort to find out how many men and how
many women clients had participated I asked Ms Robinson, Canberra
Family Court for the gender breakdown. She agreed to forward
the information as she realised it would not involve any breach
of privacy. However, Sue Price says her request was personally
refused by the Chief Justice less than an hour afterwards.
Did he not want too close a scrutiny of research, paid for
by the public purse, that could perhaps be regarded as a testimonial
for the Family Court, rather than an independent critique?
The Australian people have a right to feel confident
in their court system.
In the Best interests of the Family
Sadly, our society has not challenged the ever
increasing divorce figures or the rapidly rising numbers of
sole parents with children with any success, mainly because
of the entrenched anti family beliefs held by many of those
who are in a position to influence the policy makers of this
country. Just as the early feminist movement despised women
who chose to stay home with their young children, hardline
feminism has evolved into a movement that seems to hold the
same dislike for fathers and families.
The Family Court has, despite attempts to change
the ideology remained true to a 'maternal preference'.
Until we can challenge the research conducted
under the pro-feminist agenda by putting forward studies soundly
based on approved research methods, designed to provide independent
results, there will be no change.
Research undertaken into family law issues,
including residency/contact and property settlement issues,
the affects of divorce/separation on children and their parents,
child support and spousal maintenance issues, domestic violence
needs to be commissioned from independent services and the
criteria for the research needs to be defined by a committee
comprising all interested parties.
It is a disservice to Australian families to
allow the allocation of large sums of research funding to
a small number of academics, whose past research seems to
be unable to find anything favourable about men/fathers and
portrays women as victims of male dominance, if this is the
only research allowed.
Stewart Rein, author of "Betrayal of the
Child" is extremely critical of the extremist cultural
or radical feminists. He says, "Their private political
agendas and anti-male attitudes have helped to create circumstances
threatening the very core and concord of male-female relationships.
Ultimately, they are a real and present danger to the human
rights of children."
We need to understand the damage that is being
caused to Australian children as a result of family separation
and divorce under the present regime. We need to act now to
give both parents the reasonable expectation their relationship,
whether married or defacto, will survive without policies
providing encouragement to separate. If such a separation
does occur then both parents should be able to fully participate
in their children's lives and not find themselves consigned
to "visitor" status.
Children do need both parents!
The website for Men's
Their telephone number is 073 805 5611.
Australian Broadcasting Corporation
Investigative TV journalism at its best.
Losing the Children
Liz Jackson tells a compelling and intimate
story of a family's
tragic breakdown.
Date: 16/08/2004
LIZ JACKSON, REPORTER: It was a shocking and
incomprehensible act, but one that is far from unique. In
the small,
bleak hours before dawn on Anzac Day morning three months
ago, a
Brisbane man took the lives of his two small children. Jessie
was 20
months, Patrick was 12 weeks.
Their father, Jayson Dalton, took this footage of the children
night before, after what he told them was a bad day for Daddy
in the
Family Court.
a bad news today about
the courts. Yeah, you're going to miss Daddy, aren't you?
LIZ JACKSON: It appears it was some hours after
he had drugged the
children that Jayson Dalton wrote a suicide email to his estranged
wife Dionne and then took his own life.
was monstrous. What he
did was crazy. What he did was evil. But it's too easy to
just say
the person's bad or mad and leave it at that.
it happens, you go
over the case and think, "I did what I could. There was
nothing to
indicate this would happen." But emotionally, of course
it affects
us. We're all human.
I think it affects everybody. We all live in the shadow of
this happening to us, unquestionably.
LIZ JACKSON: And what's it saying to us, that
OWEN PERSHOUSE: "Do something. Do not ignore
LIZ JACKSON: Jayson Dalton appeared to be a
father who doted on his children, especially his little girl.
As the Government declares the need for major reform of the
family law system, Four Corners tells the intimate story of
what led to this tragedy. It's a story that confronts the
issues of family violence, and the bitter battles for custody
in the wake of family breakdown.
LIZ JACKSON: Dionne Dalton likes to be organised,
and wanted everything on this day to be just right. In a few
hours time, she would be marrying Jayson Luke Dalton. Her
husband-to-be's stepmother, Evelyn Dalton, is a hairdresser,
and she'd flown over from Western Australia to help prepare
for the big day. Jayson and Dionne picked her up from the
gave the impression
then of...very caring, very tender. He was proud of her. You
could see it. Like I said to him after I met her, "You've
hit the jackpot, mate. Good on you."
LIZ JACKSON: Dionne had met Jayson after he'd
contacted her through an Internet chatroom site. Eight weeks
after their first date, they were living together. Six months
later they were engaged.
DIONNE DALTON: I was just so ecstatic that he'd
proposed to me. I thought, "This is the man I'll spend
the rest of my life with and have children with."
LIZ JACKSON: Dionne had been married before,
but this was not going to stop her getting married in white.
WOMAN 1: Do you want any more gold to wear?
Got enough?
DIONNE DALTON: Should I take my watch off?
WOMAN 1: Yes.
WOMAN 2: Yes.
WOMAN 1: Brides don't wear watches.
DIONNE DALTON: How will I tell the time?
WOMAN 1: Don't worry about it.
WOMAN 2: That's what Jayson's for.
WOMAN 2: That, and he looks decent in a black
suit. (Chuckles) The only reason. He's just there for colour.
DIONNE DALTON: We're not relying on Jayson this
LIZ JACKSON: There'd been a small incident with
Jayson a few days before which no-one really wanted to talk
EVELYN DALTON: Jayson and Dionne came to pick
us up from the motel. Dionne was driving and Jayson was a
passenger, and I looked at the windscreen and I said, "Did
someone throw a rock at the screen?" And he never lied
to me, he was always honest, and he said, "No, I put
my fist in it." And I just said, "Oh," and
I said no more.
DIONNE DALTON: I can't remember what it was
over, but he...he just punched the windscreen and the windscreen
shattered. It was the first time I'd really, really seen him
get really aggressive. The alarm bells were ringing in my
head, but I just thought, "No, I can't pull out of this
wedding three days before we're due to get married."
LIZ JACKSON: Dionne was Jayson Dalton's first
serious girlfriend, and he held the view that marriage was
for life.
EVELYN DALTON: It was always in his mind, and
he used to voice it, that he was only going to get married
once. He didn't want to be divorced like his dad, and he wanted
children. That was the whole package.
LIZ JACKSON: Everything went smoothly as the
two families were joined together, but not everyone was happy.
Dionne's mother, Julie Wherritt, hadn't liked Jayson from
the day that she'd met him, and found herself sidelined at
her own daughter's wedding.
from the first time I
met Jayson that Jayson was a control freak. Jayson had to
have control. He was a perfectionist and he had to have everything
going the way he wanted it.
LIZ JACKSON: Dionne's bridesmaid increasingly
shared Dionne's mother's doubts - a groom who chose the bridesmaid's
SHARYN WRIGLEY: Jayson came with me to choose
the bridesmaid's dress. He chose the colour and he chose the
dress. I had no say, and on the day of the wedding, he decided
the hairstyles, and, uh...he was a very... Then the true colours
just started coming out. He was a controller.
LIZ JACKSON: But who could really care, as long
as the couple were happy?
After the honeymoon, they moved into the house
that Dionne had bought before they were married - a weatherboard
in the Brisbane suburb of Kelvin Grove. Dionne remained estranged
from her mother and began to see less of her friends.
DIONNE DALTON: I'd been so close to my mother
and my family, but I took his side, and that's basically when
the rot set in. From that time, we just didn't have any contact,
really, with Mum.
SHARYN WRIGLEY: All of a sudden, Dionne wasn't
allowed to have her friends. Dionne wasn't allowed to go out.
Jayson made sure that I wasn't going to be someone who was
taking Dionne out Saturday night and Friday night.
LIZ JACKSON: After the wedding, they saw very
little of Jayson's immediate family as well - his father and
stepmother lived in Western Australia. He was an only child,
and his parents separated when he was eight. He started off
living with his mother, but it didn't work out.
Val Dalton is Jayson's father's cousin.
VAL DALTON: He, uh...would go into rages and
so on. He, um...he did that with his mother when he was living
here at the coast, and he was expelled from a school. I believe
he threatened a teacher and, um, so he went back with his
LIZ JACKSON: When his father enrolled him at
Mount Isa High School, he specifically asked that Jayson not
be taught by women, to avoid the problems he'd had at his
last two high schools.
Mollie Dalton is Val Dalton's sister.
MOLLIE DALTON: From accounts by his father,
there does seem to have been a problem. There seems to have
been a kind of anger that often surfaced in him and sometimes
led to, um, you know, violent actions or speech against...
particularly against women.
LIZ JACKSON: Four months into the marriage,
Dionne was pregnant.
DIONNE DALTON: We were both just so elated and
so, just, shocked and surprised because we had been trying
for about four months and when it did actually happen, we
just ecstatic at the thought that we were going to have a
MOLLIE DALTON: They seemed to, uh, talk together
a lot about what was to be done, though we wouldn't have always
spoken to Dionne in the way that Jayson sometimes did. He
had a rather abrupt way of speech sometimes.
DIONNE DALTON: We were still going along quite
well, but he was just verbally abusing me.
LIZ JACKSON: What sort of things?
DIONNE DALTON: Oh... Words I don't want to repeat.
A lot of swearing, using the F word, using the C word and
every second word was "F this, F that, F this, F that."
And it just demoralised me totally when he would speak to
me that way because I decided that I was doing everything
in my power that I could to do what he wanted.
LIZ JACKSON: While Dionne was pregnant, Jayson
decided that they would start a business - a shop that would
boast the largest collection of door handles in Australia.
Up until the day she went into labour, Dionne ran the shop,
while Jayson continued his job with a mining company.
DIONNE DALTON: It was really hard on me and
he was hard on me as well, just making sure that we met figures
and he got the achievement...he achieved the goals he wanted
to achieve.
LIZ JACKSON: On September 12, 2002, Jessie Caitlin
Dalton was born.
DIONNE DALTON: The day before, he'd had a huge
argument with me and it put me into stress and the next day
they induced me. But he was very apologetic to me that night.
LIZ JACKSON: From the moment she was born, Jayson
was besotted. She was a delightful baby, but business was
DIONNE DALTON: He just kept on at me the whole
time, trying to pressure me and get me to go back to the business
and leave hospital.
LIZ JACKSON: When Jessie was one week old, Dionne
was back at work three days a week, taking Jessie with her.
DIONNE DALTON: It was like I was on autopilot.
I did that for six months until Jessie got to the stage where
she was crawling around and needed some stimulation. So we
put her into day care two days a week.
LIZ JACKSON: By this time, Dionne says that
Jayson had started to hit her.
DIONNE DALTON: The first time he did it to me
I was just absolutely terrified. I said, "Why did you
hit me? What did I do to deserve that?" He said, "You
didn't do as you were told. If you had done as you were told,
it wouldn't have happened." I said to him, "But
I didn't do anything wrong. I just did what I was supposed
to." "You didn't do it the way I wanted it done."
LIZ JACKSON: His temper was increasingly bad.
Here Jayson is getting Dionne to video a car he believes has
cut him off.
JAYSON DALTON: Zoom in on the bloody thing there.
DIONNE DALTON: I'm just nervous, OK?
JAYSON DALTON: Just zoom in!
LIZ JACKSON: But she was not thinking of leaving.
DIONNE DALTON: I'd always said that if anyone
hit me I'd leave a relationship straightaway. But at that
stage, because I had Jessie, I was too scared to go anywhere
else. I thought, "I've frozen my family out of the picture."
So they weren't there for me anymore and I had no one else
to trust.
LIZ JACKSON: In April 2003, Jessie was christened.
Jayson's stepmother, Evelyn Dalton, came over from WA for
the service.
EVELYN DALTON: That was all very nice. We had
a nice time. Uh, we came home and Dionne changed clothes and
I noticed some bruises on her arms. And I said to her, "What
happened here?"
DIONNE DALTON: And I just broke down in tears
and told her about what had been going on.
EVELYN DALTON: And she said then he was very
controlling. He was starting to push her around. I knew that
it wouldn't stop there. It would get worse. It does.
DIONNE DALTON: And, um, anyhow, that night she
confronted Jayson about it, when I'd gone to bed.
EVELYN DALTON: I spoke to him and said, "You
know, you don't do this. This is not on." I also said
to him, "If you continue in this manner, you will lose
everything that's near and dear to you. The thing that you
will lose will be your wife and children." And I said,
"If you've got any feeling for me, you'll lose me."
So we had a...not a... I probably... I said more than Jayson.
Jayson didn't
have a real lot to say because he knew he was wrong.
LIZ JACKSON: A few weeks later it was Mother's
Day and Jayson wrote Dionne a card from Jessie.
DIONNE DALTON: Thank you, Jessie. That's really
JAYSON DALTON: Oh, Mummy's crying now. (Laughs)
Why, what did she say, Mummy?
DIONNE DALTON: I can't read it, 'cause I'll
cry again.
JAYSON DALTON: You'll cry again? Did it say
something about that Jessie can't wait till she can say that
she loves you all by herself?
DIONNE DALTON: That's right.
LIZ JACKSON: By now, Dionne was already pregnant
with Patrick.
DIONNE DALTON: I fell pregnant with Patrick
on May 5, 2003. The reason I remember the date is because
I hadn't wanted to have sex with Jayson.
Jayson had forced himself on me. Um, I'd said to him at the
time, "Jayson, you don't hit someone that you love. I
don't want to have sex with you." And he was just very,
very sullen and he was very, very angry. And, uh... Anyhow,
he forced himself on me and, um, it was a nightmare.
And a couple of weeks later I found out I was pregnant.
The whole time I was pregnant with Patrick,
he was hitting me and it was just getting worse and worse
up until that... the first time I called the police.
LIZ JACKSON: On Dionne's account, it came to
a head one night in November 2003 when Jayson lost his temper.
DIONNE DALTON: The next thing I knew, he threw
the microwave at Jessie and I as we sat on the lounge chair.
And I'd had enough. I just rang the police straightaway and
they came out and they took him away to the watch- house.
It took eight of them to take him away. The neighbours had
all come out that night because there were police cars everywhere.
And, um, he just... As soon as he came back, he said to me,
"Do you want to stay together?" And he was very
LIZ JACKSON: The police obtained an interim
domestic violence order to protect Dionne. One month later,
just before Christmas, Jayson punched a hole in the French
doors of their house and threw a broom at Dionne. He later
admitted that 'regrettably' the handle had caught her on the
back of her head. He took off with Jessie.
DIONNE DALTON: I was just out of my head with
worry about where he'd taken her and what had happened. And,
uh, anyhow, a police inspector came and he pulled me aside
and said, "Look, this is escalating, this violence, and
you've really got to do something."
to go over. And Dionne
said, no, the police were there with her, but... And I rang
back several times.
Then she said "No, he's home now. Everything's alright.
We'll work it out. I'll go to my mother's."
LIZ JACKSON: Val and Mollie Dalton called around
in the new year. Dionne was by then over eight months pregnant.
By now, both families knew that there were allegations of
violence, that Jayson was subject to a domestic violence order
and that he'd already breached it once.
that there were allegations of it and Jayson himself admitted
that he had hit her. He said, "To my shame, I have hit
her." And he said, "I'll never forget that. I should
not have done it." And he said, "But I am trying
to be better. I am turning over a new leaf." And he did
try to manage his anger.
VAL DALTON: Whenever I spoke to Dionne alone,
she said that they had
worked things out, that they would work things out. And, um,
I said, "Well, you don't have to put up with violence."
Um, and I believe that very strongly.
LIZ JACKSON: Patrick James Dalton was born on
24 January, 2004. Dionne was back at work again within five
days. The business was struggling.
VAL DALTON: Dionne could barely walk to go up
their tall front stairs. We said, "You shouldn't be at
work." She just laughed and said it had to be done.
LIZ JACKSON: But Dionne had decided she'd had
enough. She wanted out
from the marriage. She made plans to leave at the end of April
when Jayson would be away. But after a bad row on March 4,
she packed her bags and fled to her mother's.
was in tears and she
said, "He's just told me that it's on tonight."
And she said, "I'm just so scared, Mum." And I said
to her, "Just come."
DIONNE DALTON: He said, "Tonight's the
night. It's on. It's going to happen tonight." So I packed
up the car and I packed up Patrick. I went and picked Jessie
up from day care and I took off to Mum's place.
LIZ JACKSON: It took 1.5 hours to drive down
to her mother's place on the Gold Coast. In that time, Jayson
rang Dionne's mobile phone 76 times.
DIONNE DALTON: The phone just kept ringing and
ringing and ringing and ringing. And it just didn't even stop
for a minute. It was just like that the whole way down until
I turned it off. And at that stage, it was at 76 calls.
LIZ JACKSON: Were you afraid?
DIONNE DALTON: I was terrified, petrified. I
didn't know what he was thinking, what he was going to do.
JULIE WHERRITT: Dionne handed me Patrick and
was getting the bags out and Jayson pulled up out the front.
DIONNE DALTON: I was so scared because I thought
he would really hit Mum.
JULIE WHERRITT: I had Patrick in my arms and
I just turned to say, "I've got your son here, Jayson.
You don't want to hurt him." And he took a swipe at me.
But he only hit my hand.
DIONNE DALTON: He just wanted to get me outside
and Mum wouldn't let me go outside with him on my own until
the police came. But by the time the police turned up, he
had gone.
LIZ JACKSON: Six days later, Dionne and her
mother went to see a local solicitor. Dionne wanted to add
names to the domestic violence order to keep Jayson away from
her family and children. Ros Byrne took her instructions.
talk about the physical
violence. But to me, my recollection is it was more... The
concern was the emotional abuse she was being subjected to.
LIZ JACKSON: Did you get the impression she
was afraid of him?
ROS BYRNE: Oh, she was terrified of him. Absolutely
terrified, yeah.
Terrified of him and what he would do.
LIZ JACKSON: Dionne had it fixed in her mind
that Jayson had guns, so the police went round to Kelvin Grove
to check. They searched the house thoroughly, but none were
found. Jayson was, however, taken away to spend the night
in police custody for having breached his domestic violence
order for the second time with his threatening behaviour at
Dionne's mother's house. His family were now worried about
Jayson's mental state.
very, very distressed.
He was also angry. Uh, he spent a lot of time crying and saying
over and over again, "I just want my wife and family
DIONNE DALTON: I was saying to him, "No,
I'm not coming back ever. This is it. It's over, Jayson. We
can't get back together." And he'd say, "Oh, don't
say that. Just say six months. Give me six months to prove
myself. Don't say we'll never get back together."
LIZ JACKSON: Jayson phoned his father in Western
Australia. He was in a state. Michael Dalton is a Vietnam
veteran, so he rang the Veterans Counselling Service in Brisbane.
Jayson to be put in
hospital. He felt that Jayson... Jayson had evidently spoken
to him on the phone and he was very upset, over the top. And
he wanted Jayson to be put in hospital.
LIZ JACKSON: It appears that Jayson was counselled
at least three times by the Veterans Counselling Service over
the following weeks. At the same time, he enrolled himself
in a 12-week program for separated men. Their website reads,
"Separated men needn't lose their shirt, their kids or
their life."
Owen Pershouse is a founder of the program.
that he was extremely sleep-deprived, he wasn't sleeping very
well, that he'd been depressed and maybe was given medication
but he didn't take it - which is quite common in the clients
that we deal with - but in any event, was, um...was not coping.
LIZ JACKSON: When the police released Jayson
from overnight custody, midday on Thursday, 11 March, Dionne
and her mother jumped in the car with the children and drove
away from Julie's house.
police talked to us and they said, "He's going to be
so angry when he comes out of...when we let him out, that
we think you need to get to a safe house. We can find you
one, or if you know somewhere to go, go there."
DIONNE DALTON: I knew that he'd be absolutely
aggro at the fact that he'd been in jail that night and that
he'd be after some type of revenge for what had happened.
LIZ JACKSON: As the family headed out for a
cousin's place in the country, a five-hour drive away, Dionne's
own mental state collapsed. Over the next 24 hours, she became
manic and delusional. She ended up in the Acute Mental Health
Unit at Toowoomba Hospital with what appears to have been
postnatal psychosis. Julie and Dionne's sister Tammy took
over care of the children. Jayson found out what was happening.
to him about it, he
said, "The children will either be with their mother
or with me." And I said, "It's very difficult for
a father to look after two little children, two little babies."
And, um, he said, "They will either be with their mother
or with me. No-one else. Julie doesn't have the right to them."
LIZ JACKSON: Dionne's solicitor received a fax
late on Tuesday, 16 March, telling her that the following
morning, Jayson would be applying to the Family Court to have
Jessie and Patrick reside with him.
to see it, because there hadn't been any suggestion up till
that time that there was any issue about the children. And
the children were being cared for by Dionne's mother.
LIZ JACKSON: The court case the next morning
lasted just 14 minutes. There was only one brief reference
to Jayson's domestic violence when Dionne's solicitor informed
the judge, "there are domestic violence issues".
Just those five words, no further information. Jayson had
made arrangements to care for the children and the judge took
the view that while Dionne was unwell, "the next most
logical person to care for the the children's
father." He
ordered that the children be delivered forthwith to Jayson.
ROS BYRNE: The big problem with this case was
that Dionne wasn't available, wasn't able to swear an affidavit
because she was in hospital. So I was going on the information
that I had been given by her over the phone and in a conference
which lasted about half an hour.
LIZ JACKSON: Dionne's solicitor broke the news
to Julie.
ROS BYRNE: Oh, she was horrified. Absolutely
horrified. She said, "The children should be with me.
I'm able to care for them. I'm not working."
"What would you do, Ros, if these were your grandchildren?"
And she said, "Oh, please don't ask me that question,"
and I said, "Well, I'm going to run."
ROS BYRNE: I said to her, "As a lawyer,
I can tell you what I would do in your situation, but as an
individual, I don't know what I'd do. As a lawyer, my advice
to you is to bring the children back, because you don't want
the police to become involved."
LIZ JACKSON: Julie and Dionne's sister Tammy
headed back to Brisbane, taking the children with them. They
stopped and called the Federal Police to confirm the advice
they had from Dionne's solicitor. They were told if they could
make it back before the court closed, Julie could try herself
to get the judge to reconsider his order. So now they drove
as fast as they dared. They made it to
the Family Court with just minutes to spare.
JULIE WHERRITT: I was so tired and I was so
drained, and they said, "No, it's you going for the custody,
you have to talk." This was just so far out of my comfort
zone to even be in there.
LIZ JACKSON: Julie spilled out to the judge
everything Dionne had been saying to her about Jayson's anger
and violence, but she had nothing on hand to prove if it was
true, and there was no evidence of violence to the children.
JULIE WHERRITT: He said, "You've told me
that he's been violent to his wife, but you haven't really
told me... He's been a hard father, OK, but he hasn't really
been violent to his children." And he said, "They
stay with him until she is well."
ROS BYRNE: I remember her sister saying that
the children would be dead in a couple of days. That's what
her sister said. I remember her shouting that out.
sat down and wrote a
fax and faxed it off to the Coolangatta police, one
to 'Today Tonight', one to '60 Minutes' and one to 'A Current
Affair'. And in that I wrote that Jayson had just received
custody of his two young children and he was on his second
or possibly third domestic violence order, and I couldn't
understand really why. And I felt that if something wasn't
done about this, that it would just only end up in tragedy.
LIZ JACKSON: Jayson looked after Jessie and
Patrick for the next five weeks, until the case could be argued
again, when Dionne was better. His father, Michael Dalton,
had come over from WA and helped him with the job. No-one
now denies that they cared for the children well. Jayson took
time off work and spent lots of money on new clothes, toys
and lawyers - borrowing heavily to meet the costs. But he
was coming apart at the seams.
all the time, 16 hours a day. He wasn't sleeping at night.
a very meticulous diary. He noted down everything that happened
and the order that it happened, and what people had said and
if necessary, where they were standing when they said it.
VAL DALTON: Everything that went on, like people's
expressions, the way you might hold the baby and feed the
baby, or play with Jessie, and all phone calls - he started
to tape his phone calls.
LIZ JACKSON: Dionne came out of hospital after
10 days, and Jayson allowed her access to Jessie and Patrick
for the last two weekends before the case was listed back
in the Family Court. When he handed over the children at Southport
police station, Jayson had a tape recorder hidden under his
shirt so he had proof if allegations or threats were made.
Val Dalton went with him.
VAL DALTON: He had his little tape recorder
taped, and he was absolutely driven by whether Dionne had
looked at him, whether, um, she... Like, handing the baby
to her himself, did she look at him? And he would play that
tape recorder over 20 times on the way back, and I believe
he played it again 20 times in the afternoon.
LIZ JACKSON: Jayson started documenting mosquito
bites that Jessie got on access visits as evidence that he
was the better parent. Dionne wanted the children back, but
Jayson was hoping the court would order a shared care arrangement
for the children to spend four days with him, then three days
with Dionne, backwards and forwards every week. His family
tried to tell him that shared care wasn't a realistic outcome.
MOLLIE DALTON: Because it was, um... He had
no communication with Dionne. He had several DV orders against
him with some additions to them, and he wasn't allowed to
approach her house, and he also didn't really have a lot on
his side of the case, because he'd been, as you know, accused
of domestic violence, and there was truth in that. So he hoped
against hope, I think.
LIZ JACKSON: Jayson was now missing sessions
of his separated men's group, which met at this church hall
on a Thursday evening. Daryl Sturgess was the group's facilitator.
When Jayson did turn up, he kept himself to himself.
Did you feel he was guarded?
most certainly. Yes.
LIZ JACKSON: Only a few of the men who were
in Jayson's group could be filmed, as most have cases coming
up in the Family Court.
MAN: I knew his court case was coming up. He
had high hopes for a good outcome because he had looked after
the children for so much. I tried to counsel him that he might
only get what everyone else gets or worse.
LIZ JACKSON: Daryl Sturgess says he didn't know
that Jayson had applied for shared care of the children.
DARYL STURGESS: If that is what he did, it would
fit my formula of wishful thinking.
LIZ JACKSON: The court case was brought forward
to the Friday before the Anzac Day weekend. Jayson's father
had already booked to fly to Mount Isa for a veterans' reunion.
Jayson went to court with just his lawyers. Dionne had her
family and friends.
DIONNE DALTON: I remember sitting in court,
praying to God to just let me have the kids, let me have the
kids. And I was... My solicitor had said, "Dionne, you'll
be fine. You just sit there and smile at the judge."
LIZ JACKSON: The judge adjourned the court to
read Jayson's affidavit. Dionne's doctor had said she was
well enough now to care for the children, but Jayson had other
concerns as well. The judge described them as follows. "She's
a poor mother. She doesn't look after the kids. They're filthy.
They come back with dirty nappies. She doesn't care for them."
Both sides, of course, made allegations about the other parent,
many of which were disputed. It was hard for the judge to
assess who was telling the truth, but he had this problem
with Jayson's case.
JULIE WHERRITT: He said, "But if you're
so concerned about what a terrible mother she is, why do you
want her to have them three days a week?" He said, "That
doesn't follow."
LIZ JACKSON: At midday on Friday, 23 April,
the judge made an interim order that Jessie and Patrick would
reside with Dionne and spend one weekend every fortnight with
DIONNE DALTON: We were just all so excited about
the fact that we were going to get the kids back that weekend.
When I did get custody, Jayson stormed out of the court and
I didn't think much more about it.
LIZ JACKSON: You weren't at all worried about
the impact that might have on Jayson?
EVELYN DALTON: No, I didn't think of that, actually.
LIZ JACKSON: Anyone talk to him afterwards?
on Friday afternoon.
LIZ JACKSON: What did he say?
OWEN PERSHOUSE: I asked him how he was going,
and he said, um...he said he was fine. He said that he'd lost
the case - that's the way he framed it. He made some mention
that his character was brought into some disrepute in some
way in the court. I'm not sure of the details of that, but
I mean, that's the nature of the court.
LIZ JACKSON: Jayson rang his father in Mount
Isa. He was reportedly extremely emotional and angry, swearing
and nearly incoherent. The judge didn't understand, and Dionne
was trying to destroy him. His father later told police, "He
just went berserk."
OWEN PERSHOUSE: Let's be real. During separation,
normal people become abnormal, and people that are a little
big dodgy to start with can become quite dangerous.
LIZ JACKSON: Val and Mollie were at Kelvin Grove
looking after the children when Jayson returned from the court
and flat, but he was
distraught about it, and then he picked up Patrick out of
my sister's arms and he said, "He's my son," he
said. "He's my son. I have the right to see him grow
up. If they go to their mother, I won't even see them on their
birthdays and Christmas." And he said, "But they're
my children."
else might be there
who doesn't even know them and that they're not related to,
and I'll have no say in their lives and I'll just be working."
So he was very unhappy about that aspect of it, and we tried
to point out to him that it wouldn't always be as bad as that,
but really, I mean, we had to agree with him - it wasn't looking
good at all from his point of view. This was his last failure,
I guess. Um...he'd lost the
business, or at least it was going down the drain, he'd lost
his wife, and then with the verdict in the Family Court, he'd
lost custody of the children for most of the time.
LIZ JACKSON: Val and Mollie agreed that one
of them would go with Jayson on Sunday afternoon when he was
due to hand the children over to Dionne. And then they left
him with Jessie and Patrick. That night, Friday night, he
took this footage.
love each other, don't we? We had a bad news today about the
courts. Yes, you're gonna miss Daddy, aren't you?
LIZ JACKSON: The following day, Saturday, Jayson
was alone with the children. These are the last photos he
took on that day.
On Sunday morning, Anzac Day, Val and Mollie
tried to ring Jayson. There was no reply. Dionne and Julie
went to the dawn service.
DIONNE DALTON: We were just so elated about
the fact that, you know, we were going to have the kids back,
and then, um...anyhow, we were making preparations all day,
vacuuming their bedroom and getting everything straightened
out, and putting cots in, and change tables, and all sorts
of things.
LIZ JACKSON: On Sunday afternoon, Jayson failed
to show at 4:00pm at Southport police station - the time the
judge had ordered for the handover to occur.
JULIE WHERRITT: It got to 4:05, and Dionne said,
"Come on, we're going into the police station."
I said, "No, no, don't panic yet. Give him a chance,
give him a chance."
LIZ JACKSON: By 5:30 in Brisbane, it was getting
dark. Val and Mollie went around to Kelvin Grove. They still
hadn't been able to raise a reply from Jayson, nor could his
father, his friends, or the police. The lights were off, but
Jayson's car was in the drive. They rang and told Jayson's
father, who rang the police.
MOLLIE DALTON: And they went into the house,
and they found them all there, all on the big bed in the main
bedroom, and they were all deceased.
LIZ JACKSON: Dionne was still driving up from
the Gold Coast. No-one wanted to break the news on a mobile
DIONNE DALTON: I was praying to God all the
way up that they would be OK, and anyhow, as soon as we got
to Kelvin Grove Road and we came down the crest of Kelvin
Grove Road, I saw the, um...all the lights and everything,
and I just knew in the back of my mind that the kids were
gone. Anyhow, we pulled up on the other side of the road,
and I ran across Kelvin Grove Road to where the police were,
and I just collapsed in a heap. And, um, I said to them...
I said, "Are they alive?" And they said, "No,
they're both dead, and so is Jayson." And...and it just
broke me up how he, um... I just couldn't believe that he'd
actually done that to me, and taken the kids. He knew that
the only thing I cared about were my children. My beautiful
children who I'd had were just gone out of my life in that
one single moment, that one simple, selfish act.
LIZ JACKSON: Jayson wrote a suicide email, which
was sent at 8:30 that morning. He would have the last word.
Subject - "Goodbye Dionne." It reveals little more
than here was a man who could not see, even in this last terrible
act, that what he was doing was wrong. "I never wished
we could have gone through this way. I was being fair the
whole way through. I believe the children would have been
truly affected, and you know Jessie adores me. I love you
more than I can say, and had forgiven you up until Friday.
Lots of love from us all, Jayson, Jessie and Patrick."
MOLLIE DALTON: Well, we had the wake here after
Jayson's funeral and cremation ceremony, and I was amazed
at the the number of men who were saying, you know, "This
all goes back to fathers not having equal rights as far as
custody of the children is concerned." They'd say, um,
"You know, the fathers should have justice."
LIZ JACKSON: Cases like Jayson Dalton's are
used by aggrieved fathers groups to argue that the Family
Court is biased. This is the agenda that greets the new Chief
Justice of the Family Court, who began in the job just six
weeks ago. She can't comment on particular cases, but rejects
the general argument.
who hasn't got what they achieve on the one side is going
to be critical of that decision. And that ignores the fact
that there was another side that was being put to the court.
And you talk about people at the wake, and all the men said
this. If you had an objective observer who asked all of the
women in those cases what they thought - whether they thought
the decision was fair or not - I'm sure that you would get
a different response.
DIONNE DALTON: I don't even blame Jayson. I
mean, he was a very sick man, and if I start laying blame
on people, it's not going to achieve anything. It's not going
to bring the kids back.
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