Research - Marriage - stats on marriage
The Percent of Families With Children Headed by a Single Parent
rose steadily from the end of World War II until the mid-1990s
before leveling off in recent years.
Two recent signs suggest, however, that the long-term increase
may be coming to an end—or at least slowing down. The
divorce rate (number of divorces per 1,000 population) has
been falling steadily for more than a decade, and the percent
of births to unmarried women has nearly stabilized since the
mid-1990s (see Figure 6). The share of births to unmarried
women rose from 28.0 percent in 1990 to 32.6 percent in 1994,
but the rate has increased by less than 2 percentage points
since 1994 and was 34.0 percent in 2002.
Despite the recent leveling off, the large number of children
growing up in single-parent families remains a major concern
among policymakers and the public. The number of families
with children headed by a single parent rose from 9.2 million
in 1996 to 9.7 million in 2001, and the percent of all families
with children that were headed by a single parent rose from
27 percent in 1996 to 28 percent in 2001.
Much of the public interest is linked to the fact that children
growing up in single-parent households typically do not have
the same economic or human resources available as those growing
up in two-parent families. About 40 percent of children in
female-headed families were poor in 2002, compared to 8 percent
of children in married-couple families. Only about one-third
of female-headed families reported receiving any child support
or alimony payments in 2001. Beyond poverty, children in divorced
and single-parent families are at increased risk for “low
measures of academic achievement (repeated grades, low marks,
low class standing); increased likelihood of dropping out
of high school; early childbearing; and increased levels of
depression, stress, anxiety, and aggression.”123
The number of children living with a single father doubled
during the 1990s, and many states now have official initiatives
to promote responsible fatherhood. But some efforts to encourage
the active involvement of divorced and unmarried fathers with
their children might benefit from the recognizing that many
so-called “Dead-Beat Dads” are more fairly characterized
as “Dead-Broke Dads.” According to an Urban Institute
study, nearly 30 percent of the 2.5 million poor non-custodial
fathers they studied were incarcerated, while the remainder
were either unemployed or earned an average of just $5,600
a year.124
Research by Manpower Demonstration Research Corporation has
found that nearly two-thirds of poor non-custodial fathers
had child support orders for an amount more than half of their
monthly income.125 Results of small-scale pilot programs to
reach out to these fathers and alleviate the problems of huge
child support arrears debt have shown increases both in the
dollars received by custodial mothers and more time spent
by these fathers with their children.126
While it is certainly true that the poverty rate for children
in single-parent families is much higher than for those in
married-couple families, many of the children of poor single
parents would remain in or near poverty even if their parents
were to marry. Because unmarried parents, on average, are
younger and have less education than their married counterparts,
research from the Princeton Fragile Families survey has found
that even if the unmarried couples with young children in
that study were to marry and both partners were to work outside
the home, 28 percent would remain at or below 150 percent
of the federal poverty level.127
Stepchildren in married-couple families experience many negative
child outcomes at about the same rate as children in single-parent
families. This underscores the fact that living in a married-couple
family is not always a panacea for kids. Therefore, in terms
of child outcomes, there is a critical distinction between
children growing up in a married-couple family with two biological
parents and those growing up in a married-couple family with
stepparents. Nearly two-thirds of all children live with both
biological parents, while 25 percent live in single-parent
families, 8 percent are stepchildren in married-couple families,
and 4 percent live with neither parent.128
In general, research suggests that children benefit when both
parents are active in their lives regardless of marital status,
but this is most likely to occur when parents are married.129
Implementing governmental efforts to reduce the number of
single-parent families continues to be among the most fiercely
debated components of U.S. social policy, in general, and
the welfare reform agenda, in particular. The Bush administration’s
plans for reauthorization of the welfare reform act included
a requirement that states report specifi cally their activities
to promote marriage. Some policy experts propose putting more
money into funding experimental programs to encourage poor
parents to marry.130 Opponents of these provisions cite concern
that such incentive programs and media campaigns divert funds
from direct support of poor families.131
Nationwide, the Percent of Families With Children Headed by
a Single Parent increased slightly in the late 1990s—from
27 percent in 1996 to 28 percent in 2001. During this period,
7 states and the District of Columbia recorded a decrease
in single-parent families. Seven other states reported no
change in this measure, while the situation worsened in 36
states. In 2001, the Percent of Families With Children Headed
by a Single Parent ranged from a low of 17 percent in Utah
to a high of 36 percent in Louisiana and New Mexico.